Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Large Art Deco Nickel Plated Sconce with French Shade: Designed By Kenk (15-NP)
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Amber French Slip Shade Sconce
Pink French Slip Shade Sconce
Frosted French Slip Shade Sconce
Large Art Deco Nickel Plated Sconce with French Shade: Designed By Kenk (15-NP)

15-NP-AM  Amber French Slip Shade Nickel Plated Large Art Deco Sconce

15-NP-PK  Pink French Slip Shade Nickel Plated Large Art Deco Sconce 

15-NP-FS  Frosted French Slip Shade Nickel Plated Large Art Deco Sconce 

Larger than normal Art Deco Sconces.  The shade is older French, paired with our later cast brass/bronze frame that has a Nickel Plated finish.  Very large, and very impressive.  Designed By KenK 2012 Copyright

With some lead time, we can also supply the frame in Polished Brass or Antique Brass Finish or Oil Rubbed Bronze Finish.  We have a limited number of shades, so we made a limited number of sconce frames.  Right now...on hand...are Nickel Plated frames.

Old French shades...we have frosted finish...or amber finished shades...and just a couple of pink shades.

Totally wired in our UL shop with a new socket and rotary switch.


  • Height:  14" overall.
  • Width:  9" overall.
  • Projection:  6" from the wall into the room.

Very impressive.