Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Art Deco Wall Lights American Sconces Design by Lightolier (205-ES)
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Frosted Shade
Amber Shade
Art Deco Wall Lights American Sconces Design by Lightolier (205-ES)

205-ES  Frosted Shade American Design Lightolier Sconce

205-ES-AM  Amber Shade American Design Lightolier Sconce

Only 2 Left!

Lightolier is another one of those iconic names for manufacturing during the Deco era. Founded in 1904, they published their first major catalog in the US called the “Stylebook” in 1920. They are still in business today, but not making antique designed lights any longer. These shades are from that “Stylebook” era, and are mounted on a more recent application white metal backplate that suits them quite well.

The finish of the backplates is a hi/lo pewter look and quite attractive.

Electrical: These sconces have been wired in our UL shop. Normal bakelite sockets for everyday medium base bulbs have been installed in each.  The off/on switch is clearly seen at the bottom of the socket and it gives a pleasing ambiance as well. The sconce mounts with one normal sconce mounting all thread to a normal electrical box from within the case. All mounting hardware will be supplied.

A very nice American made antique and contemporary sconce.

Sconce Measurements:

Height: 11 1/2”

Width: 4 1/4” (backplate)

Projection:  4 1/4” from the wall into the room.

For one 205-ES sconce as shown, $285.00 plus careful shipping.

For one 205-ES-AM sconce (with amber shade), $295.00 plus careful shipping.

*This is a limited item! No back orders on this item.