Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Glass Shade Recreated 16" Diameter White Leaded Glass Shade 2 1/4" Fitter (0114G)
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Glass Shade Recreated 16

0114GGlass Shade Reproduction 16" Diameter White Leaded Glass Shade 2 1/4" Fitter

16" diameter by 7" tall leaded shade. Can be used as a torchiere shade (widest part up) or down. Fits a 2 1/4" fitter like early electric glass shades.

Great for Bridge Lamps, but also an impressive kitchen or family room light. Picture this over your kitchen table or island. Perfect for Mission, Arts & Crafts, Bungalow, or contemporary homes.

These shades were used from the earliest electric lamps, around 1895, through today.

7" high x 16" wide; 2.25" fitter