Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Hand Cut Glass Shade Sunflower 2 1/4" Fitter (0176G)
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Hand Cut Glass Shade Sunflower 2 1/4

0176G  Antique Replica Cut Glass Sunflower Design Shade 2 ¼" Fitter

Wheel cut (by hand) glass shades.  Yes, there is not a much finer ambiance for antique lighting than wheel cut glass shades.  We are fortunate to have 4 old world cut glass cutting specialists now working in our factory, with another 4 apprentices in training.

Apprentices start out by washing the polishing mixture off of completed shades.  Then they move on to using this polishing mixture with a special slow turning polishing machine until they get the "feel" of the pressure necessary to be applied.  Too much pressure and the work shatters...too little and no polishing will take place.  They say that you can tell these apprentices by the unique, and numerous, scars on their hands.

Apprentices then learn how to scribe the design marks onto the shades for the cut pattern, thereby memorizing that pattern.  The last step is for the apprentice to practice cutting patterns on defect blown shades before attempting work on "good" glass shades.

This apprenticeship process can take two years to create a true, skilled, craftsman.  While this is an expensive procedure, we believe in the quality of our glass, and are willing to make the investment to insure that the skill survives.  This is an example of this fine work.


  • Height:  5 18"
  • Width:  4"
  • Fitter Size:  2 ¼"

Glass shades require special shipping.  Combine products to save on shipping.


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Handcut Crystal Shade 2 1/4" Fitter (0178G)

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Victorian Handcut Lead Crystal Shade 4" Fitter (0179G)

Price: $85.00
Handcut Victorian Lead Crystal Shade Sunflower 4" Fitter (0177G)

Price: $85.00
Handcut Crystal Shade 2 1/4" Fitter (0178G)

Price: $65.00
Victorian Handcut Lead Crystal Shade 4" Fitter (0179G)

Price: $85.00