Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Art Deco Chandeliers Crystal Prism Lincoln Utopia Series in Nickel Plated (5905-CRS-NI)
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Art Deco Chandeliers Crystal Prism Lincoln Utopia Series in Nickel Plated (5905-CRS-NI)

5905-CRS-NI  Nickel Plated Art Deco Crystal Prism Lincoln Utopia 6 Light Chandelier

Lead glass crystal prisms on this dramatic Art Deco Light, recreated from an original antique Lincoln Manufacturing chandelier, from the 1930's.  Cast in solid brass using a Lost Wax Cast process, then nickel plated.

The six sockets can handle up to 100 watt incandescent bulb each, or purchase our optional LED bulbs to maximize your energy savings.  Makes running the chandelier all night long, perhaps as a nite lite, very economical indeed and cool to the shades as well.

We offer a matching Nickel Plated Single-Light Utopia Sconce or Double-Light Utopia Sconce.

If you are furnishing your period or new home with brass Art Deco lights, we also carry this suite in Antique Brass Finish.  Look for the Antique Brass Finish Utopia Chandelier, Antique Brass Finish Utopia Single Sconce, and Antique Brass Finish Utopia Double Sconce.


Canopy Diameter: 6 1/2"

Diameter:  16 1/2"

Shortest Height:  28"

Standard Height:  36" from canopy to tip of finial.  For taller ceilings, please call 360-379-9030 to order additional chain.


Canopy Diameter: 6 1/2"

Diameter:  16 1/2"

Shortest Height:  28"

Standard Height:  36" from canopy to tip of finial.  For taller ceilings, please call 360-379-9030 to order additional chain.

Six sockets at 100 watts maximum each, yielding 600 watts total.





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