Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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4" x 4" Hinges with Pyramid Finials (H-4040-P5F)
sold each

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Polished Brass
Antiqued Brass
Oil Rubbed Bronze

Some of the finest butt hinges in America.  Heavy solid extruded brass hinges, cut and then milled from a solid piece of brass stock.  Complete with FOUR, brass encased, ball bearings in the knuckle.  These are very heavy duty hinges, which combine maximum bearing strength with beauty.

This series of knuckle hinges has a choice of six decorative finials.  This particular part number comes with pyramid finials.

Measures 4" tall x 4" wide.

Priced and sold as singles.



These products are related to this one.

4" x 4" Hinges with Acorn Finials (H-4040-A1F)

Price: $59.25
4" x 4" Hinges with Ball Finials (H-4040-B2F)

Price: $59.25
4" x 4" Hinges with Crown Finials (H-4040-C3F)

Price: $59.25
4" x 4" Hinges with Flat Finials (H-4040-F4F)

Price: $56.25
4" x 4" Hinges with Steeple Finials (H-4040-S6F)

Price: $59.25
4" x 4" Hinges with Acorn Finials (H-4040-A1F)

Price: $59.25
4" x 4" Hinges with Ball Finials (H-4040-B2F)

Price: $59.25
4" x 4" Hinges with Crown Finials (H-4040-C3F)

Price: $59.25
4" x 4" Hinges with Flat Finials (H-4040-F4F)

Price: $56.25
4" x 4" Hinges with Steeple Finials (H-4040-S6F)

Price: $59.25
4" x 4" Hinges with Acorn Finials (H-4040-A1F)

Price: $59.25
4" x 4" Hinges with Ball Finials (H-4040-B2F)

Price: $59.25
4" x 4" Hinges with Crown Finials (H-4040-C3F)

Price: $59.25
4" x 4" Hinges with Flat Finials (H-4040-F4F)

Price: $56.25
4" x 4" Hinges with Steeple Finials (H-4040-S6F)

Price: $59.25