Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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3/8" Offset Latch with Oval Knob (I-12B)
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Polished Brass
Antique Brass Finish
Polished Nickel Finish
Satin Nickel Finish

I-12B  Polished Unlacquered Brass 38" Offset Latch with Oval Knob

I-DK12B  Antique Brass Finish 38" Offset Latch with Oval Knob

I-N12B  Nickel Plated (Polished) 38" Offset Latch with Oval Knob

I-SN12B  Satin Nickel Finish 38" Offset Latch with Oval Knob

Precision cast, and heavily wrought 38" offset latch for 38" offset doors.

Works with both left hand and right hand doors.  Also ideal for casement windows, boats, & RVs!


  • Base Footprints:  58" wide by 2 18" long (bases for the latch & catch are the same size).
  • Knob:  78" wide by 1 ½" long.

If you're using in the bathroom or kitchen for cabinets, we also carry a matching knob without a latch.


These products are related to this one.

Icebox Recreated Oval 7/8" x 1 1/2" Knob (I-12K)

Price: $22.50
Icebox Recreated Oval 7/8" x 1 1/2" Knob (I-12K)

Price: $22.50
Icebox Recreated Oval 7/8" x 1 1/2" Knob (I-12K)

Price: $22.50