Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Victorian Colonial Revival Native American Andirons (I-R9)
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Victorian Colonial Revival Native American Andirons (I-R9)

Heavy, solid black iron andirons are Native American forms, recast from original American antiques, made in the finest tradition.  The warrior has a dignified expression, holding his bow in one hand, arrow in the other.

Victorians enjoyed a Colonial Revival period in decorating, and this speaks of that era.  Note the shell design at the base - this repeats in many classical forms, such as the utilitarian shutter holders pictured below.

Measurements:  21" tall by 7" wide.  The solid steel legs that go into the fireplace are made of oversized steel for durability.  The steel extends from the back of the andirons 15", and has three support legs, not just one or two.  An extra quality step that even the antiques did not have.

Use as shown for logs, or reverse and put an iron gate between the legs.