Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Oak Knob With Eastlake Design Brass Center (K-20)
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Polished Brass
Antique Brass Finish
Oak Knob With Eastlake Design Brass Center (K-20)

K-20  Polished Unlacquered Brass Eastlake Style Top with Oak Knob

K-DK20  Antique Brass Finish Eastlake Style Top with Oak Knob

Oak knob with impressed brass design matching our D-6F drop handle.  Cabinets and armoires often used a mix of drops and knobs.

You can capture the Arts and Crafts or Victorian flavor by doing the same on your furniture or cabinetry.  Eastlake's incised brass designs were shallow for easier cleaning.  Ours are recreated using lost wax casting, for clean crisp details.

Knobs are 1 1/8" diameter and 1 1/4" tall.



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Eastlake Design Red Oak Drop (D-6F)

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Eastlake Design Red Oak Drop (D-6F)

Price: $24.50