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Victorian Spring Loaded Sash Stay Lock With 3 Catches (L-93)
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Polished Brass Finish
Antique Brass Finish
Victorian Spring Loaded Sash Stay Lock With 3 Catches (L-93)

L-93  Polished Unlacquered Brass Victorian Spring Loaded Sash Stay Lock with 3 Catches

L-DK93  Antique Brass Finish Spring Loaded Sash Stay Lock with 3 Catches

Sash lift stay to lock the sash in 3 different positions.

Two mounting methods: 1) mount the lock to the bottom sash (same surface as window lock) and the catches onto the upper sash....or...2) mount the lock to the jam, catches to the sash.  Spring loaded and locking "retracted" ability.

Latch Case:  1 1/4" wide x 1" long.

Bolt protrudes 3/8", but is able to be pulled flush with the case when retracted & locked.  Locking the bolt in retraction is accomplished with just a slight twist of the pull knob.

The three catches measure 1 1/8" x 1/2" each.