Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Running Horse Copper Weather Vane (ZH-101)
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Running Horse Copper Weather Vane (ZH-101)

ZH-101 Weathervane Reproduction Horse Copper Weather Vane

Hand made copper weather vanes. Figures are hand hammered and soldered copper 3 dimensional figures...just like the old ones. They are supported on a horizontal copper pipe.

The stem is steel while the decorative balls are also copper. The four directional crossbar is cast iron. The entire piece, except the center rod, is finished in a fine antique green verdigris.

Sizes are given as overall height when in our mounting holder (ZH-116 ) and then maximum width is given. Very nice quality at a reasonable price.

Weather vanes are sold without mounting bases so be sure to order the base of choice. Chose either ZH-116 for roof top mounting where the adjustable base fits all inclines of roofs. Or order ZH-117 which is a display base for a flat floor the the garden, by the pool etc.

Link to assembly instructions.

This item requires special shipping. For best freight prices, combineorders such as weathervane and stand.


52" tall by 30" wide