Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Victorian Portrait Bin Pull 4" Boring (ZLW-213B)
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Antique Brass Finish
Oil Rubbed Bronze Finish
Victorian Portrait Bin Pull 4

ZLW-213B Victorian Portrait Bin Pull in Antique Brass Finish

ZLW-OB213B  Victorian Portrait Bin Pull in Oil Rubbed Bronze Finish

Continuing to recreate the finest figural bin pulls of the Victorian era...we present this fine portrait bin pull. Note the detailed ends, the face and design clarity that only Lost Wax casting can produce.

Antique finishes, to bring out the details, and Lacquered. Consider this the "little something extra" for your lady's dressing table or bathroom drawers, as well as fine furniture such as an armoire handle.

2" High X 4 1/2" Wide; Screws at 4" c/c.