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Egyptian King Tut Lost Wax Cast Handle Set 3" Boring (ZLW-276)
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Polished Unlacquered Brass
Antique Brass Finish
Oil Rubbed Bronze Finish
Red Bronze Finish
Egyptian King Tut Lost Wax Cast Handle Set 3

ZLW-276  Polished Unlacquered Brass Egyptian King Tut Bail Handle Pull 3" Boring {PICTURED}

ZLW-DK276  Antique Brass Finish Egyptian King Tut Bail Handle Pull 3" Boring

ZLW-OB276  Oil Rubbed Bronze Finish Egyptian King Tut Bail Handle Pull 3" Boring

ZLW-RB276  Red Bronze Finish Egyptian King Tut Bail Handle Pull 3" Boring

HIGH END HANDLES!  For years the only reproduction handle sets were those used on cheap oak furniture made at the turn of the century.  No one dared make high-end handle sets for the finest walnut or mahogany Americana furniture.  We decided to bring you a few Lost Wax cast historic handles.  They are more suitable for top quality Americana Victorian antique furniture, made before the mass-produced red oak coupon furniture.

Egyptian Revival décor began in the early 1800's, then had a resurgence in the late 1800's. Many fine antiques of both periods would be appropriately "jeweled" with this type of handle. We've paired this backplate with a simple stamped plain bail, so as not to detract from the artful background.


  • Height:  2" overall.
  • Width:  4" overall.
  • Boring:  3"

Cast in solid brass by the lost wax process, which is used for fine jewelry making.  Posts are also cast brass.