Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Light 2 5/8" Early Gasolier Fitter (ZV-11)
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Polished Brass
Antique Brass Finish
Oil Rubbed Bronze Finish
Light 2 5/8

ZV-11 Gaslight Hardware Reproduction Solid Brass Gasolier 2 5/8" Fitter in Polished Brass

ZV-DK11 Gaslight Hardware Reproduction Solid Brass Gasolier 2 5/8" Fitter in Antique Brass Finish

ZV-OB11 Gaslight Hardware Reproduction Solid Brass Gasolier 2 5/8" Fitter in Oil Rubbed Bronze Finish

Very rare re-creation of an early C.1840 gasolier fitter. Gas fixtures of this time used an unusual 2 5/8"size fitter. Since the light was gaslight flame, the shades always faced "up". If you're trying to restore an early fixture, you may not find these anywhere else.

They also used different set screws. Rare fitter screws have been re-created and are supplied. In fact, they used two bent prongs and one screw to hold the shade on. We changed this since original gas shades of this era can now cost 50 to 200 dollars each.

We make our fitter with three screws for a more gentle mounting. Made by lost wax casting, it is otherwise authentic in every way. The center hole slips 1/8" IPS lamp thread.

A simple design to match any rococo light, the most popular style of the era. Polished brass is unlacquered, to tarnish naturally over time.