Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Decorative Black Iron Strap Hinge (ZIR-300)
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Decorative Black Iron Strap Hinge (ZIR-300)

ZIR-300  Hardware Reproduction Decorative Black Iron Strap Hinge or Mock Hinge (Single)

Very elaborate mock strap hinge with nice detail!  Very nice for a substantial door.

This is an impressive, heavy item weighing in at a little over 5 ¼ lbs.  Painted with a flat black paint, but the picture was taken with hard lighting so the detail would show.

Sold each so you can have an odd number on a door if you wish.


  • Length:  20" overall.
  • Width:  9 ⅛" overall.
  • Mounting Holes:  3 total, which are drilled at 2 ½” & 7 ½” & 12 ¾” from the jam side end.

Thickness ranges from ¼” at the edges, to ½” at the high design points.  A heavy and robust article.

If you need a medium size decorative iron strap hinge, please see I-R21.

For our smallest iron strap hinge, see I-R20.

This item requires special shipping.


These products are related to this one.

Small Decorative Iron Strap Hinge (I-R20)

Price: $24.50
Large Size Decorative Iron Strap Hinge (I-R21)

Price: $45.00
Small Decorative Iron Strap Hinge (I-R20)

Price: $24.50
Large Size Decorative Iron Strap Hinge (I-R21)

Price: $45.00
Small Decorative Iron Strap Hinge (I-R20)

Price: $24.50
Large Size Decorative Iron Strap Hinge (I-R21)

Price: $45.00