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Hughes Art Deco Shade 2 1/4" Fitter (0319G)
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Hughes Art Deco Shade 2 1/4

0319G  The Hughes Frosted Art Deco Shade with 2 ¼" Fitter

In honor of a notable character of the era, we present the Hughes Art Deco shade.  We don't believe you can find a nicer Art Deco shade anywhere.  Clean, symmetrical lines, with a grace and flair that asserts "Art Deco to the Max".

The first customer who saw and bought this shade dubbed it "max art deco" when holding it, and we agree.  It took six months of die development & then another 2 months of experiments with pressing temps & annealing procedures, but we were rewarded with one of the finest Art Deco designs on the market.

Shade Measurements:

  • Height:  Approximately 6 ¼".
  • Width:  Widest part of the bell opening is 3 ½" inside, and nearly 4 ¼" outside.
  • Fitter Size:  2 ¼"

Nice, thick, quality glass!

Available in either frosted or amber tint.

Design copyright Vintage Hardware 2008.


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Hughes Art Deco Amber Glass Shade 2 1/4" Fitter (0319AMG)

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Hughes Art Deco Amber Glass Shade 2 1/4" Fitter (0319AMG)

Price: $69.50