Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Victorian Sconce - French Quarter Recreated Wall Sconce Architectural Size (777-APR-BR)
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Antique Brass Finish
Polished Brass
Victorian Sconce - French Quarter Recreated Wall Sconce Architectural Size (777-APR-BR)

777-APR-BR French Quarter Reproduction Wall Sconce Architectural Size in Polished Brass 

777-APR-DK French Quarter Reproduction Wall Sconce Architectural Size in Antique Brass Finish

Suitable for a Gothic mansion, French Revival entry, or your Victorian covered porch. Large French Quarter style wall sconce with incandescent socket capable of accepting up to a 200 watt standard base bulb. With the high wattage, this fixture is great for commercial applications and public buildings.

Available in two different finishes, polished unlacquered brass, to turn golden naturally over time; or our hand-applied "antique" finish, which resembles bronze. Use the drop down menu to select your favorite. White glass shade is included.

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15" in diameter and 32" high.

Up to 200 watts