96-ND-27 Warm White 8-Foot LED Tube Equivalent to 2700 Kelvin 40 Watt NON-DIMMABLE
96-ND-55 Bright White 8-Foot LED Tube Equivalent to 4100 Kelvin 40 Watt NON-DIMMABLE
Vintage Hardware & Lighting has been working for three years in the development of sustainable LED lighting. We are now stocking LED tubes to replace T-8 fluorescent tubes.
There are 3 qualities of LED tubes. One type of tube is simply an all plastic housing. In this environment, the LEDs have a shorter life as they can't wick the heat away. The second type of tube is an all glass housing. Since heat is the enemy of LED life, the third type of tube (top of the line) has an aluminum heat-sink backing with a clear plastic lens over the top. This ensures the absolute BEST heat transference, and is the best thought-out product quality currently on the market.
Our LED tubes have a life expectancy of between 50,000 to 60,000 hours when used 8 to 12 hours per day. The 8-foot tube uses only 40 watts of power for 3400 lumens of light.
It is important to understand that you must remove the fluorescent ballast! When replacement takes place, both the starter and ballast are completely eliminated. Tubes are wired directly to the power source. Please see the wiring diagram in the photo below.
PLEASE NOTE: All light bulbs and tubes, sockets and switches sales are Final.