Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Set of THREE Lightolier Streamline Nickel Sconces C.1930 (ANT-1029)
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Set of THREE Lightolier Streamline Nickel Sconces C.1930 (ANT-1029)

ANT-1029 Set of THREE Lightolier Streamline Nickel Sconces C.1930

Interesting set of three, Circa 1930s, wall sconces.

The “Lightolier” shades are opal with faceted clear windows which is so Streamline in design. The shades are so typical of shades from Lightolier.

The metal is Nickel plated wrought and spun components. The bottom black knob is for off/on switch and is bakelite. The shades are slipped into the fitting with a spring clip to hold them. The metal is showing a bit of aging but that is a normal condition for their age.

Being original shades, nearly 90 yrs old, minor “NEVER SEEN” flakes are where the shades are slipped into the fitters.

These sconces have been completely rewired, in our UL shop, with new sockets which are UL approved for up to 100 watts each. Works best with the LED bulbs we are showing and will complete this by giving you to bulbs with your purchase.

Everything here, both shades and backplates, are original.

A full wall mounting kit will be provided.

Measurements:  Max overall height of  8“. Max width:  3 3/4” It will project into the room, from the wall a mere 5".

Price for the entire set of three sconces:  $ 450.00 plus a normal safe shipping charge.