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Very different and rare Five light Art Deco Slip Shade Chandelier (ANT-1073)
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Very different and rare Five light Art Deco Slip Shade Chandelier (ANT-1073)

ANT-1073  Very “different” and “rare” Five light Art Deco Slip Shade Chandelier

The most over-used word in the Antique Trade is “rare”. It is used for everything to justify a high price tag. But normally, it is about as realistic a word to use, as “fragile” on a post office package.

However, in this case, the word “rare” is accurate. In over 45 years collecting Art Deco lighting...and after handling thousands of Art Deco lights.......there has been a grand total of TWO of these. One is in the Kelly Art Deco Lighting Museum, the other one is offered here.

The design is rather unique. There have been flashes of it in table lamps but the maker has eluded documentation. That is rather a shame since the design is so unique.

A temptation in, attribution, is to say “French” or “German” etc. And that possible attribution was investigated but quickly discounted. The original 1930 sockets were American. The threads in the lights are standard American IP threads while European threads are different and must be re-tapped, in our UL light shop, to install American sockets and fittings. So, yes,  this is an American made Art Deco periods Chandelier.

Construction:  Mixed white metals with touches of brass. The deeply embossed shades are acrylic of some type and there is a Mica lining inside the base. There is a small defect on the case. It is a small missing fan decor section which can be viewed in the picture of the close-up of the base. We are not going to do a restoration. This is a rare antique and deserves to be left to the discerning collector in the as-found state. It IS a true collectable.

Measurements:  27" tall with a diameter of 17".

This chandelier has been completely re-wired, in our UL shop, with new sockets and all new wire. It is ready to be installed and we will supply the full mounting kit to do so.

Price:  Completely UL re-wired. Rare collectable 5 Light Chandelier:  $1,650.00 plus careful packaging and shipping