Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Pair of Matching Art Deco Hall Lights (sold each) (ANT-1074)
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Pair of Matching Art Deco Hall Lights (sold each) (ANT-1074)

ANT-1074  Pair of Matching Art Deco Hall Lights (sold each) Only 1 Remaining!

These Art Deco hall lights are iconic and easily attributed to Lincoln Mnf during the 1930s. The canopy design and the suspension system was only used by Lincoln. (Courtesy of the Art Deco Lighting Museum)

These hall lights are in remarkable ...original finish...condition with a dark...sort of mildly reddish dark bronze finish. The amber shade is also very deco design and original.

Measurements:  Measuring 22" tall with a footprint of 7 1/4” by 4 1/4”. It contains one medium base socket quite capable of a 100 watt light bulb. These hall lights have been totally re-wired, in our UL registered shop.

A full mounting crossbar set will be supplied with each hall light.

Price:  $ 550 each hall light, plus a reasonable shipping charge.