Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Two Near Matched Gas Two Light Hall Lights (sold each) (ANT-1077)
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Two Near Matched Gas Two Light Hall Lights (sold each) (ANT-1077)

ANT-1077  Two Near Matched Gas Two-Light Hall Lights (SOLD EACH)

Only ONE Light Left!

We have two of these early gas pendants. They are early gas lights which originally used the Welsbach mantle style lighting but that system was missing when we got them.

They do have the original gas valves and mount like a normal gas fixture which we have improved for UL compliance. say that these are mint is an exaggeration. They have un-even arms...un-even burners and we even added a socket extender to get the light bulbs in the same position. If you wish a true antique pendant...with true antique tweaks and condition, these could be for you. If you are a balance and must have perfect person ...they are NOT for you.

They do have great shades...for sure. They do make that antique statement.

Electrical:  These pendants have been totally re-wired, to UL standards in our UL shop. Normal medium base sockets for everyday bulbs were installed. 

The mounting kit, changed to electrical from gas, will be supplied.

Measurements:  22” tall. The footprint of the light is 7” x 22”.

Price:  Sold EACH with those nice cut and colored shades....$750.00  for ONE careful shipping.