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Art Deco Red-Bronze finished Chandelier by Mid-West C. 1935 (ANT-1115)
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Art Deco Red-Bronze finished Chandelier by Mid-West C. 1935 (ANT-1115)

ANT-1115  Art Deco Red-Bronze finished Chandelier by Mid-West C. 1935

Mid-West was a top of the line manufacturer, who in their beginning, only cast quality lights even those that were exceedingly difficult. we have a top-of-the-line fancy shaped chandelier with it’s very nice art glass shades,  Circa 1935  (in their catalog of 1936).   Their gorgeous amber with ruby accented shades are simply neat.  Because there was some free hand glass making, we have always found that these shades vary a tiny bit.  Some fit in certain places better than others.  The eventual owner might be aware of this hand-made nature to achieve the best results.

During the depression,  Mid-West added an aluminum line to compete with Lincoln Mnf who was selling to Sears.  Sears customers, during the depression,  would not normally come up to the pricing level of Bronze Materials,  so Mid-West did their fine casting, also,  in aluminum, but took the final finishing to extra quality measures.   This red-bronzed finished chandelier is just such an offering.   It does not come up on the market often.

Mid-West survived the depression and was sold a few years ago to a large lighting conglomerate.

(information courtesy of the Kelly Art Deco Lighting Museum)

The finish of this chandelier is commenserate with it’s age with a few areas of rubbed finish but for it’s age,  about 95% good.

We have re-wired this chandelier to UL standards with new sockets in our UL shop.

So, this chandelier is ready to hang with a standard light mounting kit which we will supply.

Measurements:  25" tall with a diameter of 17".

The chandelier can be lamped with either incandescent or  LED bulbs .

Price:  $ 1,250.00 with it’s gorgeous glass shades plus shipping charges.