Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Antique Restored Art Deco Slip Shade Chandelier (ANT-1120)
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Antique Restored Art Deco Slip Shade Chandelier (ANT-1120)
ANT-1120  Antique Restored Art Deco Slip Shade Chandelier
A true high end quality original cast iron antique frame with a lovely pewter finish.  
Circa 1930.
This Art Deco Slip Shade Chandelier is unusual and a bit scarce since it was made by a
smaller maker and does not make an appearance very often on the market.
It has a mixture of Art Deco Design with a surface of a Arts & Crafts pattern. The reticulation castings are not easy to accomplish as any casting man will attest and usually are offered only by the top line crafts-persons.                                                        
The shades are simply in fantastic condition for their age.
Measuring 25" tall with a diameter of about 18" from shade tip to shade tip, this is truly an unusual offering. The decor of this chandelier is simply stunning. 
This light has been totally re-wired, in our UL register shop, with five new slip shade sockets with new main stem wires. 
A full mounting crossbar set will be sent with this chandelier.
Price:  $950.00 plus shipping.