Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Wonderful 3-Shade Williamson (Signed: Beardslee) Close Ceiling Light (ANT-1130)
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Wonderful 3-Shade Williamson (Signed: Beardslee) Close Ceiling Light (ANT-1130)

ANT-1130  Wonderful 3-Shade Williamson (Signed: Beardslee) Close Ceiling Light

While this lovely fixture does have three shades, it contains only one socket. So the lighting result will be with one light bulb.  No limit to that bulb size ...could be 200 watts...or a very strong LED bulb...but socket.

Fabulous Williamson designed, Art Deco, three slip shade, low ceiling, chandelier. Williamson was purchased by Beardslee and hence the reason the fixture is marked inside with the Beardslee name. The design, however, was Williamson’s.

This fantastic chandelier cost a whopping eighteen dollars in the 1930's when the depression was in full swing. This fact comes from the Williamson catalog, that we have, which also tells us that this chandelier was part of an exclusive line designed by Williamson that they dubbed ....”Shade-Lyte Series 30 (Patented)”.

That is some history...and now about this light itself. This light was re-wired in the exact same manner as Williamson created it, and hence, it is a fine job. It is now UL standard and ready to install. This fine light has the original cast-in Beardslee signature—as pictured. Williamson was bought out by Beardslee who changed the castings to this signature.

While the body is cast iron, it is painted so nicely with contrasting Art Deco poly-chrome colors.  It does give the impression that this light simply does crown a room for atmosphere and style. Naturally, after 80 odd years, the finish is not new but only shows it’s age here and there....and....the colors are in outstanding in condition after all this time.   

Measurements:  The light measures a mere 14 inches in height while having a diameter of 15”. The shades are in great condition. They are substantial shades with some thicknesses approaching 1/4” thick. 

The pictures speak well of the light and if you have been looking for a very special single bulb light, this might just be it.

Price:  $950.00 plus shipping.