Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Mid-Victorian Bronze and Crystal Girandoles Set (ANT-1157)
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Mid-Victorian Bronze and Crystal Girandoles Set (ANT-1157)

ANT-1157  Mid-Victorian Bronze and Crystal Girandoles Set

Circa 1840 to 1860, this Americana set would be given or received for any ocassion or for any purpose that was bound to create an impression.

These were important gifts in New England states...from Phili to New York as it was simply quality throughout. Cast Bronze metal finished in the ormolu French style on marble bases with cut crystal drops. It does say nice things about the giver and recipient.

Pretty good condition being the age it is, the triple candelabras each measure:  19” tall and 15”wide. The marble base measures 7” x 5 1/2” x 2”.   

Crystal drops are in pretty good condition with very little roughness. (One drop is missing.)

Complete true Americana set: $650.00 plus careful shipping.