Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Matched Pair of French-Style Cherub Double Sconces c.1910 (ANT-1234)
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Matched Pair of French-Style Cherub Double Sconces c.1910 (ANT-1234)

ANT-1234  Matched Pair of French-Style Cherub Double Sconces c.1910

Completely cast, these are rather impressive pair of sconces. Since they came in with European sockets and wiring, we can only state that they are in the French style. Finish with an antique finish.

These, larger than normal, cherub figural sconces have excellent casting execution and presence. 

They have been re-wired to American standards in our UL shop with American chandelier based sockets to receive the accent bulb of your choice. We have designed a special mounting bar for them to be attached to American standard electrical boxes. 

The white candle tubes are opal GLASS...not paper or cardboard. A bit more quality.

Measurements:  Impressive Overall height (w/o candles) is 17”. Overall width is 12”. Projects into the room a mere 4 1/2”. 

Price:  $1,850.00 for the pair plus careful shipping.