Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Art Deco Five Leaded Shade Chandelier ca. 1910-30 (ANT-1409)
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Art Deco Five Leaded Shade Chandelier ca. 1910-30 (ANT-1409)

ANT-1409  Art Deco Five Leaded Shade Chandelier ca. 1910-30

The design of the metal casting is so nicely angular stylistics for Art Deco and has a nice pewter finish. While it is not a later slip shade does give a total ambiance shape and is very attractive indeed.

The angularity of the shades, with the ribbed panel of the shades, does match the center design as well. We note how the step “V” shape is repeated both in the frame and shades—a nice combo.

Totally re-wired with new sockets to UL standards, in our UL shop, it’s now ready to install. We will supply the complete mounting kit.

The leaded glass...darken angular ribbed...shades, which might not be original to the frame...but are really so different and interesting and are near perfect condition.

Measurements: The overall diameter, from shade tip to shade tip, is about 20”. Height is only 6 1/2” making this an outstanding light for a lower ceiling.

Price: $ careful packaging and shipping.