Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Rare Offering of Gothic/Medieval Red-Bronzed Iron and Amber MICA Sconces (ANT-1410)
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Rare Offering of Gothic/Medieval Red-Bronzed Iron and Amber MICA Sconces (ANT-1410)

ANT-1410  Rare Offering of Gothic/Medieval Red-Bronzed Iron and Amber MICA Sconces

*Sold Each* (22 Sconces Available)

Circa 1920, twenty-two antique, Gothic sconces with Red Bronze finish.

They are simply lovely and impressive. We are going to offer them EACH so you can buy odd numbers if that works for your application. However many you need...first buyer has the best option for multiples.

Completely hand made MICA shades...they are NOT perfect...nor...identical...just like an early Gothic presentation might be. But wow...antique...they surely are!

Ready to go...nothing needs to be done except add the light bulb. These sconces have been completely rewired in our UL shop and are supplied with all the mounting hardware.

Measurements: The Overall sconce height is 12 1/2”. The back plates are 10” wide. They will project into a room about 11”.

Price: $545.00 EACH careful packing and shipping.