Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Original Art Deco Lincoln Fleurette Slip Shade 6 Light Chandelier With Amber Shades (ANT-503)
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Original Art Deco Lincoln Fleurette Slip Shade 6 Light Chandelier With Amber Shades (ANT-503)

ANT-503  Original Lincoln Fleurette Slip Shade 6 Light Chandelier with Amber Shades

This series was named Fleurette, made by Lincoln Mnfg, of Detroit, MI, Circa 1935.

In the series, there were four light types.  They were:  a five light chandelier...and...a top-of-the-line six light chandelier with a glass bottom (like this one)...and...a two light hall fixture...and...a sconce.  This ANT-503 is a restored aluminum 6 light antique chandelier by Lincoln.  There is an extra socket for the bottom shade.

Aluminum was the foundry metal of choice for Lincoln.  Most Art Deco makers had their foundry operation dedicated to one metal.  In Lincoln's was aluminum.

While Vintage Hardware & Lighting does make the reproduction of this light in brass, this ANT-503 is an original antique, cast in aluminum, by Lincoln Mnfg Co., Circa 1930-36.  Re-wiring has been accomplished to bring ANT-503 to UL standards.  Shades are replacements.


  • Height:  21"
  • Diameter:  17"

ANT-503 Antique Chandelier:  $875.00, complete as shown with amber shades, plus shipping charges.

Note:  We are curators of the ONLY American Art Deco Lighting Museum.  See our web site for more information about our museum at