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Eastlake Victorian Pair of Antique Candle Sconces w/ Beveled Mirrors (ANT-524)
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Eastlake Victorian Pair of Antique Candle Sconces w/ Beveled Mirrors (ANT-524)

ANT-524  Pair of Eastlake Style Brass Candle Holder Wall Sconces with Beveled Mirrors

Simply gorgeous!  This pair of candle sconces with mirrors is a great example of the designs that characterized the Eastlake movement.

The Eastlake Movement started in the late Victorian period by Charles Locke Eastlake.  His book Hints on Household Taste in Furniture, Upholstery, and Other Details was a treatise for new ideas in home design and furniture.  The book emphasized the importance of pride in craftsmanship, and illustrated the concept of functional design for furniture and other everyday items around the home.  Eastlake's designs featured decorative, shallow relief patterns that were geometric and rectilinear, with only a few restrained curves.  His ideas were a 180° turn from the deep relief carvings and elaborate ornamentation that were so popular during the High Victorian era.

These candle sconces are circa the 1870s, and made of solid brass.  The decorative pattern on both frames are crisp and clear, with little wear.  The candle cups do have a few minor dings (not terribly noticeable), but to be expected given their age.  The beveled mirrors are in great shape, and have only lost a little of their original silvering.

The sconces have a brass ring attached to the back for mounting on a wall.  There is a small cast tab, located lower on the back, that has a hole drilled through.  This may have been used for an easel-style leg or support to allow the sconces to be placed on a dresser or other furniture surface.


  • Height:  16 ¼" overall.
  • Width:  10 ¾" overall.
  • Projection:  3 ¼"
  • Mirror:  8 38" tall x 5 58" wide.
  • Candle Cup Openings:  1516" diameter.
  • Mounting Ring for Wall:  1" outer diameter, 1116" interior diameter.

$650.00 for the pair, plus shipping.