Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Antique Edwardian Wall Sconces - Pewter Color Lights Tall Urn Shades (ANT-548)
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Antique Edwardian Wall Sconces - Pewter Color Lights Tall Urn Shades (ANT-548)

ANT-548  Lovely Pair of 1920 Edwardian Wall Sconces

Lovely pair of Circa 1920 wall sconces.

Original antique sconces, with original Art Glass antique shades.

These sconces have a lovely Edwardian pewter look, and a great design that is so typical of the Edwardian style.

The original antique shades are also so very nice.  They are an ivory color, with clear applied art glass touches to each side.  A nice combination indeed!

The backplates are cast metal, with a lovely pewter finish.

Ready to go...nothing needs to be done except add the light bulbs of your choice.  We would recommend our LED candelabrum bulbs 35C-E26 if ambiant light is preferred, rather than full room power.  The ambiance of these bulbs is warm, and they draw so little electricity (1.6 watts) that we have known folks who leave them on 24/7.  The bulbs do have an expected life of 25,000 - 30,000 hours.  However...if a stronger light is desired....we suggest a tubular S-10 bulb, which is the same kind of tubular bulb often used in desk lamps.  It gives a balanced light for this longer shade.


  • Height:  8 ¾"
  • Width:  4 ½" (shade)
  • Projection:  4 ¾" from the wall into the room.

These sconces have been completely rewired in our UL shop with new sockets and all new wire. We have also replaced the rotary switches, which were originally made by Leviton in the 20's.

Price for the pair:  $395.00 plus careful packing and shipping.