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Mid Century Modern Semi Flush Mount Ceiling Light Fixture Chandelier (ANT-577)
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Mid Century Modern Semi Flush Mount Ceiling Light Fixture Chandelier (ANT-577)

ANT-577  Mid Century Modern Fredrick Ramond Brass, Lucite, and Etched Glass Ceiling Chandelier Light Fixture

This design is circa the 1970s, and finally copyrighted in 1985.  This example could be considered top-of-the-line for this type of fixture.

The chrome plating alone is a fantastic option.  We even have the original merchandise tag that came with the is in that good of condition and pride of ownership.

A few finishes were available, but this is the only one with peach-colored corners and top notch that we have seen.

Chandelier is also marked on one of the struts with the impressed mark of Fredrick Ramond. This should continue to increase in value as the Mid Century Modern design continues to be popular, and poorer examples are offered.

While there are cheaper and less deluxe models selling now...and cheaper versions were made even then...this was the cream of the crop.


  • Diameter:  23"
  • Height:  21 ½"
    • The hang height can be adjusted longer for your project specifications...please contact us for pricing.

Wiring:  This is a 6 light chandelier.  There are 5 chandelier base sockets for bulbs around the circle, and one medium base socket for the center light.  It has been wired in our UL shop, and is UL approved.

Price:  $650.00 for this complete UL approved chandelier by Fredrick Raymond, plus careful shipping.