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Antique Art Deco Chandeliers 1930s Slip Shade Ceiling Lights - Pair (ANT-580)
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Antique Art Deco Chandeliers 1930s Slip Shade Ceiling Lights - Pair (ANT-580)

ANT -580  Matched Pair of Antique Restored Red-Bronzed Finished Art Deco Slip Shade Chandeliers

True, high-end quality original cast iron antique frames with a lovely reddish bronzed finish. Circa 1930.

These Art Deco slip shade 5 light chandeliers were near top-of-the-line for this series of slip shade lighting using this shade.  A chandelier with a bottom shade was also made, but here we have a matched PAIR of true, ART DECO slip shade chandeliers.  Now how scarce to find is this?!?!

The bronzed finish is simply superb.  These fixtures are in oh-so-near mint condition.  The shades, too, are simply in fantastic condition.


  • Height:  30"
  • Diameter:  Approximately 18 ½" from shade tip to shade tip.

Each of the sockets is capable of accepting a 100 watt bulb.

This matched pair is truly a magnificent offering.  The décor of these chandeliers is simply stunning.  If you have been holding back for that truly outstanding pair of chandeliers, we believe that these just might be it.

To make it better, please note that these antique fixtures have been completely re wired in our UL shop with new sockets and new wire, and are ready to hang.  A full mounting crossbar set will be sent with them.

Price for this matched pair of authentic slip shade chandeliers:  $2,500.00 plus shipping.