Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Antique Double Arm Wall Sconces Pair of Restored 1920s Two Arm Lights (ANT-610)
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Antique Double Arm Wall Sconces Pair of Restored 1920s Two Arm Lights (ANT-610)

ANT-610  Lovely Pair of Circa 1920 Wall Sconces

Pair of regal bearing wall sconces, with a crown design at the top, and hammered backplates. Nicer still that these are DOUBLE arm wall sconces, with nice original shades...which is getting a bit harder to find complete.  Everyone seems to change them to candle sconces for ease of production, since usually one or more shades have disappeared.

Some mixed metals are being used here, but all with a pewter High/Low finish which is very attractive.

The antique shades are very nice, with an off-white background and yellow and gold designs. Some minimum design fading as expected with old shades, but nothing terribly significant.


  • Height:  9 ¼"
  • Width:  9 ½" (maximum, including the shade)
  • Projection:  5 ¾" from the wall into the room.

These sconces have been completely rewired in our UL shop, with new sockets and all new original twisty rayon wire (visible in the pictures).  We have also replaced the switches, made by Leviton in the 20s...and still made up to ONE year ago.  So these Leviton switches are becoming even more antique as we note this.

$485.00 for the complete shipping.