Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Arts and Crafts Style Antique Light Semi Flush Mount Ceiling Fixture (ANT-629)
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Arts and Crafts Style Antique Light Semi Flush Mount Ceiling Fixture (ANT-629)

ANT-629  VERY Distressed Arts & Crafts (Deco) Primitive Style Fixture

Older Arts & Crafts (Craftsman), low ceiling, lighting fixture, circa 1920-40.

But...the iron frame is VERY distressed.  While we worked it over...the condition is really quite bleak.  If you want something that looks hundreds of years old...from an old, dank castle...this would be it.  Cannot tell you how long we labored over this, trying to bring it back from rust city...we're gonna lose on this one.

It now contains a double socket combo, and the windows all have MICA panels...and gives that really distressed look, if that is what you are after. has been totally re-wired in our UL shop, and contains a double socket combo.  It is quite safe, and to UL standards...but the exterior is rustic, to put it mildly.

We know there are places for a light like this...perhaps a wine cellar...or a primitive display, etc.


  • Width:  13 ½" across the widest points.
  • Height:  7 ½"

The bottom panel is secured with two fitter screws.  When un-screwed, the bottom opens to reveal an easy re-lamping.

Price:  $325.00 which includes the MICA amber panels.  Shipping is extra.