Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Edwardian Chandelier 5 Arm Ceiling Light Fixture Circa 1920 Lighting (ANT-661)
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Edwardian Chandelier 5 Arm Ceiling Light Fixture Circa 1920 Lighting (ANT-661)

ANT-661  Brass, with Pewter Center, Five Light Edwardian Chandelier

Edwardian elegance is here, with the wonderful pewter center and twist metal arms.  Circa 1920, the center design motifs are plentiful and well executed.  There are faces, and curls, and leaf motifs.  The shades are large with cut designs, and are ruby tipped.


  • Height:  24"
    • Chandelier can be lengthened, but hard to shorten it with the center design the way it is.  Please contact us for pricing.
  • Diameter:  29"

This light has been totally re-wired in our UL registered shop with five new sockets, and a new main stem wire.

A full mounting kit will be nothing more to buy...except light bulbs.

For this complete, UL re-wired, five-light Edwardian chandelier:  $895.00 plus careful packaging and shipping.