Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Large 48 Inch Wide Chandelier Gothic 18 Light Candle Ceiling Fixture (ANT-775)
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Large 48 Inch Wide Chandelier Gothic 18 Light Candle Ceiling Fixture (ANT-775)

ANT-775  Large Gothic or Medieval Wrought Iron and Steel 18 Light Chandeliers 

At this time, we do have three identical chandeliers, but they are being sold by for availability.

Great Ambiance Wrought Iron and Steel light chandeliers from the turn of the century...Circa 1920 - 1940, or so.  Hard to date accurately, but the quality of the original sockets and the original cloth wiring (which we replaced) helps.

We are supplying LED fiber bulbs for each chandelier.  They are incandescent hue (2700°K) and are dimmable with an LED dimmer.  We recommend a Lutron dimmer switch, which we also stock.  The LED bulbs look very old fashioned when alight.


  • Diameter:  48"
  • Height:  46"
    • Height can be adjusted to longer or shorter, if needed.  Please contact us for pricing.

Very rustic indeed.  We have restored the electrics completely with new sockets and wiring to UL standards.  This chandelier is ready to be hung.

Price for each large chandelier with UL label:  $1,750.00 plus crating and shipping.


These products are related to this one.

Lutron CL Dimmer for LEDs (CL96-101)

Price: $36.00
Lutron CL Dimmer for LEDs (CL96-101)

Price: $36.00
Lutron CL Dimmer for LEDs (CL96-101)

Price: $36.00