Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Art Deco Streamline Matching Set Antique Chandelier and Wall Sconces (ANT-776)
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Art Deco Streamline Matching Set Antique Chandelier and Wall Sconces (ANT-776)

ANT-776  Art Deco Slip Shade Chandelier with Matching Sconces

These were part of Mid-West's Newport series...Circa 1935.  Mid-West was located in Kansas City, and had a reputation for making quality lighting.  As proof, it did survive the Great Depression to be sold off to Thomas Industries only a couple of years ago.  Streamline in design - this set captures the essence of the movement.  The six shade chandelier (one bottom shade + 5 slip shades) was the top of the line for the Newport Series.

This set of circa 1935 chandelier and sconces were taken from a dining room of a local home, and looked quite nice there.  We are attempting to keep them together.

The metal of the series has a nice darkened pewter finish in excellent condition.

All amber shades are in very nice condition, with just a tiny bit of roughness that reflects their age.

Chandelier Measurements:

  • Height:  22"
  • Diameter:  17 ½"

Sconce Measurements:

  • Height:  7"
  • Width:  7 ½"
  • Projection:  4" from the wall into the room.

Each socket is capable of receiving a 100 watt bulb.  All three lights have been completely re-wired, in our UL shop, with new sockets and wiring to conform to UL guidelines.

This set is ready to go, and will be supplied with all the necessary mounting hardware.

Complete, UL re-wired set of top-of-the-line chandelier with a nice pair of matching sconces:  $1,550.00 plus careful shipping.