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Mid-Century Modernist Pair of Sconces Vintage Slip Shade Wall Lights (ANT-835)
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Mid-Century Modernist Pair of Sconces Vintage Slip Shade Wall Lights (ANT-835)

ANT-835  MidCentury Modern Pair of Wall Sconces

This is a nice modernist pair of Mid Century Modern wall sconces.

The conical square slip shades are nicely patterned glass with an iconic rib design.  This gives off a subtle "Pinstriped" effect when lit.

Both of the nickel plated bases have replaced switches.  Each socket is fully capable of a 100 watt incandescent bulb.


  • Height:  11 ½"
  • Width:  5 ½"
  • Projection:  6 ¾" from the wall into the room.

Each sconce fastens directly to a UL approved electrical box by the center finial.  All mounting supplies will be provided.

Price:  $475.00 for the UL-restored pair of Mid-Century-Modern sconces, complete with a small shipping charge.