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Art Deco Rewired Antique Chandelier Slip Shade Ceiling Light Mid West (ANT-837)
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Art Deco Rewired Antique Chandelier Slip Shade Ceiling Light Mid West (ANT-837)

ANT-837  Art Deco Vintage 5-Light Slip Shade Chandelier by Mid West Mnf Circa 1930

Five-light, brown-tip shade, chandelier by Mid West Mnf circa 1930.

This is a 5-light Soleure chandelier by Mid-West.  Mid West only made the best quality lighting. This chandelier is finely cast with a wonderful pewter finish.

This chandelier has been totally re-wired in our UL shop.  It has five new sockets, a new main electrical and ground stem wires.


  • Height:  25"
    • May be lengthened for a small additional cost...please contact us for pricing.
  • Diameter:  about 20 ½" from shade-tip to shade-tip.

The five shades are in excellent condition, with no chips or cracks, and they all match each other very well.

Price:  $1,250.00 plus careful packaging and shipping for the complete, UL re-wired Mid-West chandelier with shades.