Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Streamline Deco 30s Wall Sconces Pair Slip Shade Zephyr Arrow Lights (ANT-855)
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Streamline Deco 30s Wall Sconces Pair Slip Shade Zephyr Arrow Lights (ANT-855)

ANT-855  Art Deco Streamline Sconces Circa 1936 by Mid West

These sconces were made by Mid-West Mfn of Kansas City, KS from their "Zephyr" Series, circa 1936.  Nice design for the less Streamline design, with touches of Roman elements of the 1936 Deco era.

The metal finish is old gold, with touches of white metal so common for the Art Deco era.  Very impressive.


  • Height:  12"
  • Width:  4 ¾"
  • Projection:  4 ½" from the wall into the room.

These sconces have been totally rewired with high-grade sockets in our UL shop. Sockets are UL approved for up to 100 watts incandescent.  The rotary switches were also replaced.  We will supply full mounting kits for these sconces.

Price:  $750.00 for this nice pair of documented Mid West Streamline shipping.