Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Art Deco Pair Large Bronze Sconces French Slip Shade Antique Lights (ANT-861)
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Art Deco Pair Large Bronze Sconces French Slip Shade Antique Lights (ANT-861)

ANT-861  Magnificent LARGE and Imposing Pair of French Bronze & Embossed Slip Shade Art Deco Sconces

Usually, Art Deco sconces are normally small...and with French sconces...the frames are very minimal, letting the shades do the decorative statements.  Here we have outstanding bronze presentations with the outstanding shades.  Nicely unusual indeed.

Please Note:  We actually have six sconces...3 pairs...but are restoring one pair at a time.  These have come with a variety of paint finishes, and must be restored since paint is not an attractive, nor original, look.

The shades date from about 1920 - 1930 and are some of the finest examples of French glass making.  They are about 38" thick at the edges...really beautiful glass.  They are fully and deeply embossed, with the flowers protruding from the surface.  The floral edges are also nicely embossed.

We carefully considered the replacement of the French socket since the original backplates were missing all hints of the previous arrangement.  After experimenting with types and arrangements of sockets, we settled on a single socket.  This highlights the rose & floral decor, and fills in the bottom of the shade which often is left dark in other sconces.  Being that there is so much room inside the shade, you can use a large bulb for power, or a small bulb for accent.  The choice is available with these large sconces.

Totally wired in our UL listed shop.  There is no sconce switch, as is typical with French sconces.  Full UL mounting crossbars will be supplied.


  • Height:  14"
  • Width:  11 ½"
  • Projection:  3 ½" from the wall into the room at that center large rose, but less in other places.
  • Weight:  an impressive 11 lbs. of bronze & glass per sconce (weight may vary slightly, due to casting differences).

Price:  $2,450.00 for a complete PAIR of French sconces (as shown) careful shipping.