Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Art Deco Style Pair of Peacock Wall Sconces French Slip Shade Lights (ANT-875)
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Art Deco Style Pair of Peacock Wall Sconces French Slip Shade Lights (ANT-875)

ANT-875  Striking Peacock Pair of Sconces

Art Deco style...not too old (say 30 to 40 years)...pair of satin nickel finished peacock sconces.

Judging by the sockets that were replaced, the origin was European, and probably French.  Now they are re-wired for American current and bulbs.

The shades are most definitely in the style of Art Deco in their design.

The metal is satin nickel finished, with very minor blemishes commensurate with their age.

These sconces have been completely rewired in our UL shop with new old-style sockets.


  • Height:  7" overall.
  • Width:  6 ½" maximum.
  • Projection:  13" from the wall into the room.
    • This is the case for most of the sconce coming out from the wall to make a statement.

We have a matching chandelier, but its finish is in an antiqued brass with the same shades.  Since both sconces and the chandelier came from the same home, we can only assume that the décor was different in their separate rooms.

Price:  $850.00 for the UL re-wired PAIR of sconces, plus careful packing and shipping.

The peacock chandelier, if still available, is a different listing.