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Antique Pair Rewired Wall Sconces Turn of the Century Light Fixtures (ANT-901)
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Antique Pair Rewired Wall Sconces Turn of the Century Light Fixtures (ANT-901)

ANT-901  Nice Turn-of-the-Century Pair of Sconces

Pewter finished, with original polychrome colored accents in VERY good condition.

Those original antique shades are simply works of art by themselves.  The shades were pressed into a mold for the pattern, then color-finished by hand with amber and clear sections.

The sconce backplates have a switch installed, which was re-newed when the sconces were re-wired with new sockets and wiring.


  • Height:  9" overall.
  • Width:  6" overall.
  • Projection:  4 ½" from the wall into the room.

These sconces have been completely re-wired, in our UL shop, with new sockets to conform to UL guidelines.  Each socket is capable of accepting a 100 watt bulb...but...due to the shade height...bulbs need to be chosen carefully.  We used our little LED bulb, and we will give them to you since they fit the fixture so wonderfully.  This bulb gives a great output for ambient sconces.

These sconces are ready to go, and will be supplied with all the necessary mounting hardware.

Price:  $395.00 for the complete, UL re-wired pair of pewter finished sconces, supplied with our low profile LED careful shipping.