Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Antique Art Deco Three Light Chandelier with Original Shades (ANT-996)
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Antique Art Deco Three Light Chandelier with Original Shades (ANT-996)

ANT-996  Antique Art Deco Three Light Chandelier with Original Shades

Not every chandelier made during the Depression, in Art Deco style, was a slip shade light. This is a fine example of an Art Deco chandelier with its original glass shades, made circa 1938 with a staggered step center and a mix of solid brass and nickel plated elements. Very Deco indeed..

The finish is totally original. Old original genuine brass with nickel plated accents. And yes, the finish is original with even the age spots. We could have cleaned it up...but believe the next owner should make that decision.

The brass can be cleaned up a little with 0000 steel wool and a gentle metal polish, but, considering the nature and value of antiques, we just didn’t want to do this before the final owner decided, IF, they wanted that done. We keep hearing on every antique TV show to leave original finishes alone and we have done this.

The shades are neat works of art. They are embossed glass and used alternating opal and clear glass for design accents. Yes...the color is off-white opal....some monitors might show yellow or other tints.

Measurements:  The chandelier hangs 16” tall and has a 15 1/2” diameter.  The ceiling canopy has a large diameter of 7”.

This chandelier has been totally rewired with new normal medium base sockets and new central lead wire in our UL shop. The sockets are UL approved for up to 100 watts.

Price:  $ 695.00 plus normal shipping charges.