Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Pair of American Art Deco Sconces (ANT-1021-1)
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Pair of American Art Deco Sconces (ANT-1021-1)

ANT-1021-1 Pair of American Art Deco Sconces (Only 1 Pair Remaining)

A very pleasant pair of pewter finished metal sconces with acrylic style amber shades.

The metal finish is pewter while the shades have a simplicity accented by the design band below. We would suggest using low heat LED bulbs to insure that the shades remain in good condition.

There is some roughness to the shade edges caused by use...very minor,  but there. We think it is neat how that decorative design is used to hold the shade in place.  It is held in place by one ball tightener on the backplate and easily removed for bulb access.

 Electrical:  These sconces have been totally re-wired in our UL shop. Normal Medium base sockets, for everyday medium base bulbs, were installed. We will give you a LED filament bulb with these sconces but you can change it out if you do not agree with our choice.  We just think it looks good and works cool with this bulb.

All mounting hardware will be supplied.

Measurements:  Overall height is 8 1/2” from the top of the shade to the bottom of the metal backplate.  Overall widest part of the case is 8 1/2” wide.  Projects into the room 4 1/2”.

Price:  $ 695.00 for this pair of Art Deco sconces,  plus careful packing and shipping.

(Actually...there are TWO pair of these sconces from the same home. The first pair has been sold already—Priced per pair)