Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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Reproduction Victorian Neo Rococo Brass Fireplace Andirons (ZLW-3AND)
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Reproduction Victorian Neo Rococo Brass Fireplace Andirons (ZLW-3AND)

ZLW-3AND Victorian Neo Rococo Brass Fireplace Andirons

Pair of Neo-Rococo style fireplace andirons copied from an antique American set. Made in the finest tradition, Lost Wax cast in solid brass.

Mythological face in the widest part of the bottom, and a phoenix or hawk design in the upper wide part. In between the two, the curved area looks like arches in a coliseum. Not the kind of andirons that will go unnoticed!

The solid steel legs that go into the fireplace are made of oversized steel for durability. The steel extends from the back of the andirons 15", and has three support legs, not just one or two. Extra quality step that even the antiques did not have. Use as shown for logs, or reverse and put an iron gate between the legs.

This item requires special shipping.

Height 16 1/2" by 8 1/2" wide.