Vintage Hardware and Lighting

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SMD LED Bulbs (2B-A15D)
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Bulb type:
2B-A15D Parallel
1B-A15S Parallel
3B-AY15D Staggered
SMD LED Bulbs (2B-A15D)

3B-AY15D Double contact, staggered pin, double wire supply replacement bulb

3.6 watts yielding 350 lumens, "warm light." 2 1/8" tall 7/8" dia. 

Replacement bulb. 

1B-A15S Single contact, Parallel Pins, Single wire supply replacement bulb

3.6 watts yielding 350 lumens, "warm light." 2 1/8" tall 7/8" dia. 

Replacement bulb.  

2B-A15D Double contact, Parallel pins, double wire supply replacement bulb

3.6 watts yielding 350 lumens, "warm light." 2 1/8" tall 7/8" dia. 

We use this bulb in our fixtures. 


 Socket for  2B-A15D SMD bulb.


SMD LED.  While LED stands for “Light Emitting Diode”,  SMD stands for “Surface Mounted Diode” and is the another step in LED technology.

Our boat lights use a proven BA-15D bulb that works on a range of 10VDC to 30VDC.   Boat light systems that are subject to large supply spikes or dips should use a DC/DC regulator to protect their lighting system.


L.E.D. light bulbs are like mini computers. Whether you are using LEDs in a lamp, wall sconce, or ceiling light, the procedure is the same. To keep your investment in LEDs "Healthy", you should always first make sure your sockets are in good condition.

PLEASE NOTE: All light bulbs and tubes, sockets and switches sales are Final.