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Monster Castle Lion Door Knocker (ZLW-913)
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Monster Castle Lion Door Knocker (ZLW-913)

ZLW-913  Monster Castle Lion Door Knocker

Being a supplier to Hollywood Studios with special movie and TV props, we are often requested to do large and impressive items.

This Lion door knocker is just one such project that seemed to have not been incorporated into it’s destined movie, but, we were still contracted to make the molds and develope the proto-types.

So....we can, and will, make them for sites that demand a more impressive decorative element that no one else can, or will, create.

Made from SOLID Brass/bronze construction...It weighs in at a whopping 56 pounds. It might vary a little with casting weight since each is hand made by the Lost Wax casting process. At this weight and difficulty in manufacturing, we are only going to stock one or two at a time with a 60 to 90 day lead time after that. can order and be assured of delivery.

We finish it with a high/low antique finish to make all the wonderful details pop as can be seen in the photo’s. We had Nate stand-in for a size comparison since there are dozens of lion-heads out there for many applications.

Measurements:  When installed with the “paw” anvil, the overall footprint is 29” tall. The width is a full 20”. It will project a full 7” from the surface it is mounted upon.

The “paw” anvil is a full 8” in diameter with a thickness of 1 1/4” and has weight of about 4 lbs. The ring striker is 19” high by 20” wide.

The head mounts with thru 1/4w20 bolts on 12”c/c. The paw mounts with one 1/4w20 thru bolt.

Using brass acron nuts on the interior door is a nice finish.

It is a rare offering that makes our casting and finishing departments groan but they do produce a nice and impressive lion head.

Price:  $1,800.00 plus careful packaging and shipping.

We are only going to stock one or two at a time with a 60 to 90 day lead time thereafter.